Perfect for Slow Cooking Smokers, Pizza Ovens and Outdoor Fires

West Coast Woods (WCW)
We have a selection of fruit and native aromatic firewood, split smaller than normal firewood to suit pitmaster smokers, pizza ovens, and outdoor fires. Also available are our 1kg bags of macadamia nut shells.
Our Range:
- Fruit: Cherry, Plum, Nectarine, Pear, Feijoa, Apple
- Native: Manuka, Pohutakawa
- Other: Oak, Birch, Maple
20kg bags or 3kg wood chunk boxes available
- 20kg Split Bags $30.00 inc gst
- 3kg Wood Chunk Boxes $25.00 inc gst
- 1kg Macadamia Nut Shells Bags $15.00 inc gst
General and commercial enquiries welcome, please call us on 06 751 3390
Where Can I Buy?
The Kiwi Butcher
The Corner Brewery
We also stock everything at our new location 61A Corbett Road, Bell Block