What job you are interested in? (visit available jobs page)
Title (*) —Please choose an option—MrMrsMiss
First Name (*)
Last Name (*)
Preferred Name
Email Address (*)
Mobile Number (*)
Home Phone Number
Street Address (*)
City (*)
Zip / Postal Code (*)
State/Province (*)
Country of Residence (*)
Identify any languages you speak (other than English)
Do you have one or both of the following: A New Zealand Permanent Residency or a New Zealand Work Visa? (*) —Please choose an option—YesNo
Current citizenship/nationality (*)
Do you know anyone who is currently working, or has worked, at Tui Landscape Services, and if so, who?
Have you previously worked at Tui Landscape Services? —Please choose an option—YesNo
Date of Birth (*)
Gender (*) —Please choose an option—MaleFemale
Upload CV (*) Files must be less than 3 MB. Allowed file types: pdf doc docx.
Upload Cover Letter Files must be less than 3 MB. Allowed file types: pdf doc docx.
We'll be closed (inc the supply yard) Thursday 6th - Sunday 9th.